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Saturday, March 29, 2008


for this event, my team was like so far infront and YET not even a top 5 finish. WTH? my J1s are disappointed to the MAX la.

of course the point system is seriously flawed. and we do the checkpoints like quite completed and yet?

but the most maddening thing is not that. it is cos of the dumb ppl. WTH la. wanted to slap the shit out of them. HOw can 17-18yrs old be so immatured? wth.

next time we organise events, pleaase choose those that are of comparable standards. otherwise we will be just wasting our time.

3/29/2008 08:51:00 PM

Friday, March 28, 2008

i am tired from all my phsyical training especially today when it is sweltering hot. The Sun hung above the clouds like a menace trying to bully us into submission. Fear not because we are determined. LOL- i am just trying to crap around. Let fifi correct any of my mistakes. Thanks!

Tomorrow will be the 8th week(or around there) that i have missed soccer with my soccer mates. This feeling totally sucks. Soccer sessions are supposed to be a team bonding activity and yet i cannnot attend it.

Today i went home early. i need to rest my body. i think by the end of j2 my abs will be formed, i hope that will be true though.

3/28/2008 11:11:00 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

i am under no obligation to do what my brother ask me to do.

On a serious note, we should really define responsibility. When responsibility is entrusted to someone, they are suppose to be responsible of the things that are in charge of. FOr example, if someone who can't even use 2 minutes of his time to book a tennis court, i don't really see why he is a leader or worse, a graduate from OCS. When one person wants to do something, it is his responsibility that he gets it done and not ask others to help especially when he can do it.

it is ridiculous. Sometimes people just want to make your life difficult.=) BUt i am sorry, sometimes there are people who want to do more useful things in life than to entertain these type of people.

3/27/2008 07:50:00 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

todae was ODAC session. it was pretty fun to know the J1s.. yeahs.. some have creativity while others did not. PT was disappointing. it RAINED!! wth.. although i am tired from ytd's PE.. but still.. the j1s are pretty good le.. most of them that is.. the minority does needs to work harder. yeah.. try ur best ma..

i think i am going PT mad. i have been doing situps (discrete amount) for the past few weeks because i wanted to train my ABS. it turns out that i am training my tummy to be big but solid.

and there is the constant pressure to do well so that next time my future and my KID's future is bright. Pressure is priveleged. okae i think pretty far. but still i want my parents to enjoy retirement and return what they have made me into.

and there is the AJYJ thing on saturday. my dental appointment is postponed to some saturday in april. SO i am going with Allister, Russell and 2 other Yj odacians.

i am motivated to do well for A's..i wan2 be the one choosing the courses i want and not the let courses choose whether they should let me in. cos that feeling totally sucks. so one should work hard for their goals in life.

til then i will know whether who i'll meet in life. LIFE is just so exciting. i wan the excitement in life i wan2 know how far i can go, pushing myself to my own limits.

of course i have my ups and downs. and i should work harder when i am experiencing my downs.
life is not perfect. i ain't no saint. i just want to be a better me.

3/26/2008 10:51:00 PM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

hmm.. i think i am pretty disappointed in chem. i still havent reach full gear for chem yet. and its already march. so i need to work hard because i aim an A for CHEM. chem is fun. but still i need to find back that feeling.

for physics test todae, i am pretty satisfied. yeahs. i hope to get an A. must be confident. optimism-something i lost.

napfa next week. lols. i will pass. =)

so sad i have dental appointment on this coming saturday. and I will most probably miss the AJYJ event. sucks.

And AJ results are extremely good for A levels. haha. aiming to have at least 4 distinctions. then i will be pretty safe. at least 70 points. with another 2 more subjects to add to the 70 pts.

3/25/2008 09:38:00 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

the 25th committee do have alot to learn.. lols.. before they take over..

guess i will do my job and make sure it is a job well done before retiring.

3/23/2008 06:27:00 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2008

wad do you call feelings that are re-ignited?

it was long gone. but this feelings are so strong that i believe my friendship with u guys can be as strong as ever.=)

tennis on friday was pretty exciting. i havent played for a v long time. but i still mangage aces.
for tennis idiot-guide, aces means you score point when u serve successfully.
but i still love my back hand. though its not perfect, it certainly has potential. my shots are threatening yet it is not enough.. twisted my muscles though.

Pool after tennis was great. i havent played for a v long time too. NIgel was owning for the first half of the period. jun xiang was skillful too. i should go improve myself liaos.

need to study..

3/22/2008 08:19:00 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

been pretty busy lately. too much stuffs to do.

thinking of academics(main priority), breaking records..

time to really study hard.. r/s? nahs. =)

3/18/2008 04:40:00 PM

Saturday, March 15, 2008

its time its time.

3/15/2008 12:21:00 PM

Friday, March 14, 2008

haha. sometimes when your friends speculate about what you are doing or who u have been with.. its pretty strange eyhs. but i guess this is the world ba. haha.. some might be wondering my relationship with who and who.. or something else. yeahs. must spell out clearly ehs. i am just good frens with everyone le. haha. nothing to think about. sorry no more spicy/juicy news.
ME and her? nahs.

my taste:
  1. girl
  2. preferably younger than me
  3. 2 eyes
  4. 1 nose
  5. 1 mouth
  6. 2 ears
  7. 2 hands
  8. 2 legs
  9. 1 body
  10. 1 gigantic heart
  11. love sports(hopefully)
  12. kind
  13. gentle
  14. care for animals
  15. care for nature
  16. loves music
  17. keen in learning
  18. dun emo too much(much means all the time)
  19. can talk to
  20. equal but different abilities
  21. think of each other
  22. even when we don't see others for like years
  23. always try to her best of abilities
  24. bounce back
  25. lean to my shoulder for support
  26. enjoy sports together
  27. enjoy things together
  28. not only gaze at each other BUT(point 29)
  29. can look together at one direction
  30. understanding
  31. can look at herself through my eyes so she knows how impt she is.
  32. try not to use technological devices(a bit dislike sms/msn to chat)
  33. Beauty can capture one's attention, but is her character that capture my heart
  34. must have social values
  35. needs to spend time with her family
  36. needs to spend time with her friends
  37. must have her own private time
  38. then after everything, she can allocate some time from her busy schedule to me
  39. must not cheat people's feelings
  40. mutual trust is compulsory
  41. can take my lamenesss and cold jokes
  42. able to feng pei me(:
  43. smile
  44. dun hide things from me
  45. cry when u need to
  46. share your burden so i can lighten it
  47. its okae to emo
  48. character > looks
  49. i won't make u jealous
  50. dun make me jealous too(:
  51. if we encountered any problems, talk it out first. dun be rash
  52. dun be rash
  53. calm
  54. alwaes listen to ur heart
  55. even if u want a break up, must tell me(definitely nt thru the msn or sms)
  56. walk in the rain with u
  57. take photos
  58. must take care
  59. dun go home too late at night
  60. freedom of speech!
  61. Finally, we must accept each other even we know we are imperfect. there is no such things as the perfect love.

IF you read through everything, i must first congratulaate you.!

because the list is undefined. love is not about listing wad you want and don't want. otherwise it'll just be another resume for a 'job'. yeahs. so it more of wad ur heart actually feels for the person. it is rather weird to know ur heart is on the left, when it is alwaes right. haha.=)

if the world didn't suck, we would have fallen off by now (:

tennis. waiting for rong jie. he is late. today's weather is brilliant. yeahs. sure get to play 2 hours ba.. LOLs.

3/14/2008 03:59:00 PM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat ~ Theodore Roosevelt

3/12/2008 09:40:00 AM

march holdaes are meant for enjoyment, sad to say, for me, it is to catch up on my whole lot of tutorials that were uncompleted since 3 weeks ago. yup. so need to chiong le.

i am suppose to do training during march hols.. but the weather has been bad.

i am shocked that AJ results were pretty good. then normally the expectations for us will be higher. Pressure. but pressure is privelleged. Not everyone has pressure.

MOnday was an emotional farewell for kat and yl. all the girls cried. even mr chin has red eyes. some of the guys cried as well. it was all too emotional. good luck to both of them.

NYAA camp was successful. so good job.

3/12/2008 07:56:00 AM

Friday, March 07, 2008

i am very disappointed with myself. i think i have not worked hard enough. but to say i have not worked is an unfair statement to me. i got a D for chinese A levels. and i am pretty pissed, and depressed over the fact that i did badly. i am shocked. the only explanation is that i did not try enuf.

and I DECIDED to re take the exams. i wanna push myself now. all the way. the phoenix inside me is stirring and i wanna unleash it.

i guess pressure is indeed a privellege. so i will work hard for it now. catch me in action. i will prove it on the papers. enough said, time for action.

i guess its been more than 2 years since u last broke up with him. i still remembered that time when i called u to console u. that memory still etched inside my heart. i wonder why.. i can't be sure.. but i guess it is cos i've been thinking about it. hais. it is u that i am thinking about or something else?

3/07/2008 09:15:00 PM

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

yikes. the 4x100 heats went to my teams expectations. although the ground was wet todae, we came in first. but the timing wasn't that great. first, our fastest runner slip and another runner was okae as long as we first. because my team decided we will skip 4 x 100 and concentrate on the 4 x 400 event which is by far the most difficult run. so yeps. gunning for gold.

anws. i notice this story somewhere. so i think it is pretty cool.

A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter: "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river.
" The little girl said:"No, Dad. You hold my hand.
" "What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.
"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.
"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go.
But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours...

pretty cool ehs. but sometimes such things are just too fairy-tale like. it is a life where one can imagine but needs to work hard for it.

=) haha. i wonder do birthmarks have something with your destiny. its pretty cool.

3/04/2008 06:34:00 PM

Monday, March 03, 2008


(: its a very nice song.

3/03/2008 02:49:00 PM

Sunday, March 02, 2008

good job everyone for the selection camp!
good job everyone for those who participated in competitions!

sometimes you won't know your true potential unless you try. anything is possible. haha. i guess when people decide to try, they will feel a sense of achievement and pride. so keep it up!

i saw a 60 star tortoise who managed to pull off a miracle depsite all odds. amazing eyhs.

i wanna specially thank all of my frenz who have decided to help me even though it is sounds incorrect. but i guess one should always look from a different perspective. so thanks!

this week another busy week again. more sleepless nights to endure. 10 MAR to complete everything. relishing that moment. good luck to me.


3/02/2008 07:53:00 PM